Creation of the consultation based infrastructure
Understanding the exceptional importance of innovative activity under modern conditions in order to expand the consultation based infrastructure, the Innovation Center was created at Lviv University of Trade and Economics (LUTE). Other factors also contributed to this, such as: the need to improve the quality of education and acquire applied knowledge and skills, learning the features of the innovation process, personal development of students in order to prepare them for future entrepreneurial activity.
The participation in the project called «Entrepreneur» within the HEI Initiative of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) made it possible to study and implement the best experience of the operation of similar structures in European HEIs and organizations, to receive consulting support regarding the restructuring process, organizational changes in the university, and the integration of the Innovation Center into the management system of the university.
The main goal of the Innovation Center is to provide information and consulting services on entrepreneurship and innovations, support, development and commercialization of the results of innovative scientific and technical projects, development of scientific, technical and educational cooperation (including international), implementation of technical modernization programs of the University.
In accordance with the goal, the Innovation Center implements the following main tasks:
- development of proposals and projects for the future development of the University regarding educational, scientific, industrial and other activities, material and technical base development;
- implementation and coordination of measures to expand sources of off-budget financing and obtaining technical assistance;
- coordination of the creation of infrastructure for the startup movement on the basis of the University’s divisions;
- promoting the development of cooperation with enterprises, organizations and institutions on the implementation of a 2-way communication system for the purpose of updating educational programs, topics of scientific research, receiving requests for technical developments to solve the current tasks of enterprises, bringing to a practical result and commercializing the results of scientific research, etc;
- organization of events for the introduction of new technologies of learning and knowledge control, use of technical means of learning and information and communication technologies.
To achieve the goal, the Innovation Center performs the following functions:
- participation in the preparation of projects for the future development of the University regarding educational, scientific, industrial and other activities and material and technical base;
- implementation and coordination of measures to expand sources of off-budget financing;
- coordination of the processes of obtaining technical assistance from donor organizations, institutions, national and international funds, grant programs, etc;
- organization and holding of trainings, educational courses on entrepreneurship, innovation, creative management, development of creative industries, holding of hackathons and competitions of innovative projects;
- promoting the dissemination of information about HEI’s developments, creating a system of a 2-way communication with enterprises, commercial firms, technology parks, establishing contacts with representatives of companies;
- coordination of the work on the creation of the infrastructure to support the startup movement on the University’s basis;
- coordination of cooperation with enterprises, organizations, educational institutions, research institutions and individuals on issues of development, bringing to a practical result and commercialization of the results of scientific research, implementation of joint innovative projects.
- analysis and improvement of cooperation in the field of technology transfer and implementation of innovative projects, grants, programs of scientific and technical cooperation, educational programs, internships etc;
- organization of participation in international scientific and technical programs and competitions of international scientific foundations, exhibitions-fairs, conferences, competitions within the framework of tasks of the unit.;
- promotion of the development and implementation of new technologies of learning and knowledge control, the use of technical means of learning and information and communication technologies.
- promoting the involvement of HEI’s students and scientists to innovation projects, informational and organizational support for innovative projects.
The consultation based infrastructure is the important element that provides students and other participants in the educational process with the necessary informational and advisory support, particularly on innovations and entrepreneurship. It helps students to expand their knowledge, develop skills and succeed in their studies and future careers. Therefore HEIs should ensure the proper development and maintenance of this infrastructure to ensure high quality education.
Students, academic and administrative staff
Key outcomes
With the social production innovativeness development and the scientific capacity level increase and, accordingly, with the further deepening of the labor division process, a great importance is attached to the development and functioning of the infrastructure of higher education institutions (HEIs), particularly in information and consulting. The information and advisory infrastructure of the university is a set of resources, systems and services provided to students and lecturers to ensure access to the necessary information, advice and support. It includes a variety of electronic and physical resources such as libraries, information systems, media centers, advisory services, electronic platforms and other tools that facilitate effective teaching and research.
One of the main functions of the informational consultation based infrastructure is to provide students, academic and administrative staff with access to up-to-date and reliable information. Universities should provide students and staff with information related to the academic programs, class schedules, assignment requirements, and other learning materials. This can be done through electronic systems such as e-learning and course management platforms, consultation centers, faculty and department websites, electronic libraries and databases where users can find the necessary literature and research articles.
Additionally the consultation based infrastructure also provides advisory support to students. This may include advice on choosing study programs, business and career planning, academic matters or even personal issues. It can provide students with the information and advice they need to help them make informed decisions and succeed in their studies and future careers.
The value of the university’s consultation based infrastructure cannot be overestimated. It is an important component of students’ success and their academic career. Access to up-to-date information and advisory support helps students understand requirements, complete assignments and develop their skills. It also helps to improve the quality of teaching and research, promotes knowledge exchange and cooperation between students and teachers.
Key success factors / How to replicate / Sustainability mechanism
The key factors of success are: understanding of the higher management of HEI of the necessity and importance of creation and functioning of the Innovation Center and promotion of its development; comprehensive support of the “Entrepreneur” project consortium; personnel potential and increasing its competence as a result of the implementation of the “Entrepreneur” project.
This practice is available/recommended for implementation in any HEI or other organization. We can provide the necessary consulting support.
To replicate this best practice in other settings and with other audiences the key requirements are a high level of qualification and competence of academic and administrative staff, as well as high motivation of students to participate in scientific and technical creativity.
To ensure the sustainability of the Innovation Center it is important to constantly improve its processes and procedures, to actively introduce new technologies and management methods, as well as to conduct regular training for personnel.
Sustainability is facilitated by the dissemination of experience through all possible means of communication, such as the corporate website, social networks, speeches at international conferences and seminars, interviews, media comments, and the use of an innovative approach in the educational process.