Full partners

Aalto University (Lead Partner)


Svenska Handelshögskolan (Hanken School of Economics)


UmeĂĄ universitet (UmeĂĄ university)


Universidad Internacional de La Rioja


Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu (Vaasa University of Applied Sciences VAMK)


Associated partners

Pääomasijoittajat ry (Finnish Venture Capital Association)


Linköping Universitet (Linköping University)


Saab AB


Aalto Entrepreneurship Society ry


CERN (IdeaSquare at CERN)


City of Espoo


Max. funding Phase 1
€ 350,000
Max. funding Phase 2
€ 400,000
Supported by
EIT Digital
Coordinated by
EIT RawMaterials

Project description

The vision of our Project is to increase the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity of the consortium by supporting EIT HEI Initiative’s Deep Tech Talent Initiative through the following approaches:

  • interdisciplinary approach;
  • practice-based collaboration;
  • life-wide learning opportunities;
  • a well-networked and integrated ecosystem.

The Project brings together five universities from three different countries (Finland: Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences; Sweden: UmeĂĄ University; and Spain: Universidad Internacional de La Rioja), as well as a wide range of public, private, and non-governmental organisations and institutions.

An interdisciplinary approach towards deep tech education aims to make the deep tech industry more approachable, not just for technical students, but also for design and business students, focusing upon the interdisciplinary collaboration among them to create novel solutions. A practice-based approach, utilising experiential and problem-based learning methodology, will allow the Project to partner students with real life industry start-ups and organisations, decreasing the gap for the students between their studies and subsequent employment.

Life-wide learning aims at the inclusion of working professionals in educational planning and development activities, and a well-networked and integrated ecosystem that supports all the stakeholders within the Knowledge Triangle to participate in the consortium. The goal is to have partners with expertise in deep tech and other research-oriented endeavours, as well as partners with strong connections to the market and an understanding of customer and consumer needs.

Project coordinator

Tua Björklund, Assistant Professor, Aalto University (contact)

Project website


Project timeline

EIT HEI Timeline May 2023