Good Practice

Design thinking Lab startup centre of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Supporting KIC's

Domain: Domain 3 – Contributing to developing innovations and businesses, Domain 5 – Knowledge sharing (Collect and share Success Stories and Lessons), Domain 1 – Fostering institutional engagement and change.

The connection to the INTREPID-HEI project involves several key components and activities aimed at establishing and enhancing innovation and startup ecosystems within the university. During the period of the TSNUK’s participation in the project, the executors were actively involved in the development and exchange of knowledge through such activities as: – Hard (physical) Innovation Hubs. Creation of a checklist for evaluating the effectiveness and readiness of Innovation Hubs. This ensures that the physical spaces meet the required standards and are equipped to support innovation activities effectively. – Soft (virtual) Innovation Hubs. Implementation plan for setting up and operating virtual Innovation Hubs. This plan outlines the strategies and tools needed to create effective online environments for innovation. – Physical and Virtual Start-Up Centers. Developing a concept paper that outlines how to interlink Start-Up Centers with Innovation Hubs, ensuring a cohesive support system for startups. Gaining experience in creating and managing a startup center, and transferring structural plans from existing models to new centers. By participating in these actions, the TSNUK stands to gain several benefits: – Enhanced capacity to support innovation and startup activities through well-equipped physical and virtual hubs. – Improved ability to evaluate and implement effective innovation strategies. – Opportunities for staff and startups to learn from successful models, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. – A comprehensive, interconnected ecosystem that supports the entire lifecycle of startup development, from ideation to commercialization. In summary, the connection to the INTREPID-HEI project lies in the strategic development and integration of physical and virtual innovation hubs, the establishment of Design thinking lab startup cente of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. These efforts are complemented by active participation in key deliverables and exchange programs, which collectively enhance the university’s innovation ecosystem.

Objectives and Purposes:

The DTLabSC aims to:

  • Popularize innovative entrepreneurship among youth.
  • Integrate university resources to create a unified innovation ecosystem.
  • Stimulate youth activity in startup initiation and development.
  • Foster collaboration between students, academics, entrepreneurs, and investors.
  • Promote social, environmental, and economic responsibility among future entrepreneurs.
  • Facilitate the organization and development of a university entrepreneurial community.
  • Support the integration of the university entrepreneurial community into the European innovation network.
  • Promote and commercialize intellectual R&D and technological projects through the University’s Scientific Park Corporation.

Implementation Details. The DTLabSC was implemented through a systematic approach, involving:

  • Identifying the need for entrepreneurial education and support within the university.
  • It establishes the centre and defines its objectives and target audiences.
  • Allocating resources and personnel to support centre activities.
  • Organizing and conducting various training, mentoring, and networking events.
  • Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders to enhance the impact and reach of centre initiatives.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of centre activities and making necessary adjustments.

Key Learnings:

  • The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • The value of mentorship and networking in supporting startup initiatives.
  • There is a need to promote and disseminate entrepreneurial knowledge and opportunities.
  • The significance of aligning centre activities with the evolving needs and interests of students, educators, and entrepreneurs.
  • The role of media and online platforms in amplifying the impact of centre initiatives and reaching a wider audience.


This DTLabSC responds to the growing demand for entrepreneurial education and support within universities, addressing the challenge of preparing students for the dynamic business landscape. The practice aims to foster innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility among students and educators by providing a comprehensive framework for entrepreneurship development.


It benefits students, educators, entrepreneurs, and various stakeholders within the university ecosystem. Students gain access to practical training, mentorship, and networking opportunities, addressing their need for entrepreneurial skills development. Educators benefit from resources and support for integrating entrepreneurship education into the curriculum. Entrepreneurs and investors find a platform for collaboration and investment opportunities.

Key outcomes

The creation and functioning of the Design Thinking Laboratory of the Startup Centre (DTLabSC) is aimed at promoting innovative entrepreneurship among young people, integrating various university resources to create a single innovation ecosystem, and promoting youth activity in launching and developing startups. Key outcomes include the creation of an active entrepreneurial community at the university, promoting startup projects, and promoting social and environmental responsibility among future entrepreneurs. The centre’s activities are also aimed at fostering more robust cooperation between students, teachers, entrepreneurs, and investors and increasing the visibility and commercialization of intellectual projects. This comprehensive approach will benefit the university community and provide valuable lessons in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the educational environment. Moreover, the DTLabSC facilitates close collaboration with researchers and academics, enabling the translation of cutting-edge research into practical solutions and fostering a culture of innovation within the university. Through this close partnership, the DTLabSC ensures that entrepreneurial endeavors are grounded in scientific rigor and technological advancements, further enhancing the impact and sustainability of startup initiatives.

Key success factors / How to replicate / Sustainability mechanism

Key Success Factors

  • Strong Leadership Support. Ensure backing from university leadership to provide resources and institutional support for the initiative.
  • Collaboration. Collaborate with university departments, external organizations, and stakeholders to create a comprehensive ecosystem.
  • Engagement. Encourage participation from students, faculty, and other stakeholders to ensure the initiative’s success.
  • Adaptability. Be flexible and willing to adjust strategies and activities based on feedback and evolving needs.
  • Sustainability Planning. Develop a long-term sustainability plan to ensure the initiative’s continuity beyond initial implementation.

How to Replicate

  • Assess Institutional Readiness. Evaluate the readiness and capacity of your institution to implement a similar initiative.
  • Establish Clear Objectives. Define clear objectives and goals for the initiative that are aligned with your institution’s needs and context.
  • Build Partnerships. Collaborate with various university departments, external organizations, and stakeholders to create a supportive ecosystem.
  • Allocate Resources. Secure funding and resources to support the implementation and ongoing operations of the initiative.
  • Engage Stakeholders. To ensure buy-in and support, involve students, faculty, administrators, and other stakeholders in the planning and implementation process.
  • Monitor and Evaluate. Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the initiative’s effectiveness and make adjustments to ensure its success.

Sustainability Mechanism

  • Institutional Integration. Integrate the initiative into the institutional framework of the university, embedding it within existing structures and processes.
  • Capacity Building. Invest in building the capacity of faculty, staff, and students to sustain the initiative and drive its continued success.
  • Partnerships and Networking. Forge partnerships with external organizations and stakeholders to expand resources and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Continuous Improvement. Regularly assess and review the initiative’s performance, seeking stakeholder feedback and making adjustments to enhance effectiveness.
  • Long-term Funding. Develop sustainable funding models to ensure ongoing financial support for the initiative’s activities and operations.

Obstacles and Key Factors for Success.

  • Resource Constraints. Limited funding or resources may need to be improved to implement and sustain the initiative.
  • Resistance to Change. Overcoming stakeholders’ resistance to new initiatives or collaboration efforts may require effective communication and engagement strategies.
  • Sustainability Concerns. Ensuring the initiative’s long-term sustainability requires careful planning and ongoing support from university leadership and stakeholders.
  • Cultural Shift. Encouraging a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation within the institution may take time and effort, requiring strong leadership and community engagement.

Recommendations for Replication:

  • Start Small, Scale Up. Begin with pilot projects or smaller initiatives before scaling to more extensive programs.
  • Tailor to Context. Adapt the initiative to your institution’s specific needs, resources, and context.
  • Seek Feedback. Continuously solicit stakeholder feedback and adjust strategies to improve effectiveness.
  • Build Relationships. Invest time in building relationships with key stakeholders within and outside the institution to garner support and foster collaboration.
  • Stay Committed. Stay committed to the long-term vision and objectives of the initiative, and be prepared to persevere through challenges and setbacks.



Contact person

Ganna Tolstanova. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv