Good Practice

Cluster movement in University ecosystem

Supporting KIC's

Domain: Domain 2 – Strengthening partnerships (knowledge triangle integration).

Action: Partnership between business, government and universities

The purpose of forming a cluster as an effective tool for the innovative development of its members is to efficiently use the research and investment potential through the integration of universities, business, and government. Representatives of the authorities, within the limits of their powers, promote investment attraction, provide information support for events and projects, and involve participants in the implementation of city targeted programs.

The university provides relevant scientific support for the cluster’s activities, develops scientific, innovative and educational projects based on the participants. Business participants of the cluster implement joint projects to gain competitive advantages by introducing modern innovative developments and startups.

Cluster members may include:

  • – state authorities and local self-government bodies
  • – educational institutions
  • – legal entities (business);
  • – public organizations.

The cluster’s activities provide:

  • – deepening entrepreneurial skills through education and training courses;
  • – cooperation in the exchange of technological and managerial know-how between participants;
  • – effective attraction and redistribution of investment resources;
  • – Increasing the level of innovation activity among participants;
  • – cooperation between universities and businesses through technology transfer;
  • – organizing and holding conferences, workshops, specialized fairs, exhibitions, displays, and presentations of innovations.

Scientific support for the projects is provided by the university, which offers entrepreneurial skills training at all levels, conferences of various levels, including a startup project competition, a permanent online platform Science for Business, and entrepreneurial initiatives for business.

As a result of the joint work of the cluster members, a student startup for the production of special uniforms for public utilities was implemented at the municipal level, and the following were developed and commercialized: overalls for emergency rescue operations in the aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, overalls for the rank and file of the mechanized and tank troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, jackets and load-bearing vests intended for use by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in aviation.

In the university ecosystem, the cluster, thanks to the INTREPID HEI project, promotes cooperation between authorities, companies and researchers. This joint platform within the INTREPID HEI project allows companies to test generated startup projects and use the experience of academic researchers of the university to develop individual educational programs of innovative entrepreneurship taking into account the specific needs of business and the academic community. These programs cover a range of topics related to the development of startup projects, including digital literacy, new technologies and academic entrepreneurship skills, and allow trainees to actively contribute to the leadership of universities and the development of  an innovative ecosystem, academic enterprise and technology transfer.

Thanks to open educational programs and trainings developed and tested within the framework of the project, the cluster has become a platform where innovation is consolidated in a common space and students, stakeholders and teachers can explore, experiment and test startups using virtual reality and other digital tools. A special attention is paid to innovative and effective education methods for content management and technology transfer, through direct communication, in synergy with government, business, science and education.

The cluster specializes in creating and maintaining a reliable innovation ecosystem of the university. This involves building strategic partnerships, promoting collaboration and providing support to a regional network that accelerates the growth of the startup movement and student entrepreneurial initiatives.


The cluster partnership is based on consolidating the efforts of the participating partners to achieve a synergistic development effect not only for the cluster members but also for the city of Kyiv as a whole; it is a new “architecture” and “design” of government with education, business, and science. University scientific research and entrepreneurial knowledge on their positioning and commercialization are the basis for a dialogue between business and government and the educational environment. The tools of such interaction include the organization of conferences, forums, exhibitions and other events, creation of coworking spaces and hubs that become platforms for interaction and development of an entrepreneurial university.

The cluster members implement joint projects to gain competitive advantages through technology transfer, student startups, and the introduction of innovative developments into business.


Students, researchers, teachers, business representatives, government officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations, etc.

Key outcomes

The cluster movement in the university ecosystem is an effective model for implementing academic entrepreneurship and developing entrepreneurial skills. As part of the innovation ecosystem, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design has created its own innovation support system, providing students with knowledge, networking, and infrastructure for launching startups.

Currently, during the war, the cluster movement is being activated and scaled up on University campuses, because clusters are a powerful tool not only in the war economy, but also they play a key role in regional and innovation policies and are the main tool for smart specialization.

Key success factors / How to replicate / Sustainability mechanism

The main challenges include: martial law risks; financially unstable business situation; search for a technological partner, both domestic and international; the need to hold forums and symposia, seminars and trainings with representatives of government and administration, business and the scientific community on technology transfer, innovation project management and commercialization; the need for information and analytical support and positioning of innovation participants at all stages of technology creation: from idea to commercialization of the development in the international environment; legal protection of intellectual property rights.


Contact person

Lyudmyla Ganushchak-Yefimenko, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design