Good Practice

Pursuing Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for High-Impact Deep Tech Innovation

Supporting KIC's

Domain: Domain 1 – Fostering institutional engagement and change, Domain 3 – Contributing to developing innovations and businesses, Domain 5 – Knowledge sharing (Collect and share Success Stories and Lessons).

Objectives and Purposes of the Practice

The primary objective of the “Pursuing Excellence in AI for High-Impact Deep Tech Innovation” practice is to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into medical research and healthcare services effectively. This aims to improve diagnostic accuracy, personalize treatment plans, and utilize predictive analytics for better patient outcomes. The purpose is to foster an interdisciplinary approach, merging AI, medicine, and data science, to tackle contemporary healthcare challenges and facilitate the transition of research innovations into practical applications.

Actions/Activities Taken

  • Formation of a Research and Tech Transfer Group: Establishing a dedicated team comprising AI experts, medical professionals, and data scientists to spearhead research and development (R&D) projects.
  • Conduct thorough needs assessments to understand the specific challenges and requirements of healthcare stakeholders, including hospitals, medical research centres and industry partners.
  • Outreach to potential partners to build collaborations, including meetings with healthcare providers, industry leaders and academic institutions to discuss common goals and areas of interest.
  • Collaborative Research Projects: Initiating joint projects with hospitals, medical research centres, and industry partners to develop AI-based medical solutions.
  • Development and Testing of AI Models: Creating and validating AI algorithms for various medical applications, including imaging diagnostics, genetic sequencing, and patient monitoring systems.
  • Workshops and Training Sessions: Organizing educational programs for healthcare professionals to familiarize them with AI tools and technologies.
  • Publication and Dissemination: Sharing findings through academic journals, conferences, and public forums to promote knowledge exchange.

Methodological Approach for Implementation

  • Needs Assessment: Conducting a thorough analysis of the current challenges in healthcare that can be addressed by AI technologies.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with various stakeholders (healthcare providers, patients, industry partners) to understand their needs and gather input for the development process.
  • Team Formation: Assembling an interdisciplinary team with expertise in relevant fields to ensure a comprehensive approach to problem-solving.
  • Project Selection and Prioritization: Identifying and selecting high-impact projects based on potential healthcare improvements and feasibility studies.
  • R&D and Iterative Testing: Implementing a phased approach to research and development, including prototype development, pilot testing, and iterative refinement based on feedback.
  • Evaluation and Scaling: Assessing the impact of implemented solutions on patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency to guide the scaling of successful projects.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Facilitating workshops and seminars to disseminate learnings and encourage adoption by other institutions.

Learnings from the Implementation

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration is Key: The synergy between AI technology, medical science, and data analysis is crucial for developing effective healthcare solutions.
  • Stakeholder Engagement Enhances Relevance: Active involvement of end-users and stakeholders throughout the development process ensures that the solutions are practical and meet the actual needs of the healthcare sector.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: The ability to adapt to emerging challenges and feedback during the R&D process is vital for success.
  • Importance of Scalability: Early consideration of how solutions can be scaled and integrated into existing healthcare systems is crucial for long-term impact.
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement: The field of AI in medicine is rapidly evolving, necessitating ongoing education and skill development among team members and stakeholders.


This Good Practice responds to the urgent need for advanced healthcare solutions by leveraging AI in medicine, addressing challenges in accurate diagnostics, personalized treatments, and predictive analytics. It tackles the integration of deep tech in healthcare, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and bridging the gap between research innovations and practical medical applications.


Thanks to the activities carried out within the SMART4FUTURE project, the results and impact of different types of solutions, including medical solutions based on AI, on different stakeholders have been systematically tracked. This led to an active interest of different target audience in the implementation of AI-based innovations in healthcare. This participatory approach enabled real-time feedback on their suitability. In addition, SMART4FUTURE project facilitated partnerships between academia, industry and healthcare providers, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing, further confirming the benefits of integrating AI in medicine. It also served as a catalyst for validating the positive impact of AI in medicine and provided empirical evidence to support the claim of good practice.


Patients stand to gain the most, as AI-driven medical solutions can lead to more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and improved outcomes. Early detection of diseases and the optimization of treatment strategies can significantly enhance patient care and quality of life.

Healthcare Professionals

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers benefit from AI’s ability to analyse vast amounts of data quickly, offering support in clinical decision-making. This can reduce the cognitive burden on medical staff, allowing them to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks.

Medical Researchers

Researchers in the field of medicine and AI gain valuable insights from the development and application of AI technologies. This practice facilitates the exploration of new methodologies in medical research, accelerating discoveries and innovation in healthcare solutions.

Educational Institutions

Universities and educational institutions benefit from the enrichment of academic programs and the creation of interdisciplinary research opportunities. This practice fosters a learning environment that prepares the next generation of professionals in the intersection of technology and medicine.

Healthcare Industry and Innovation Sector

Companies involved in healthcare technology, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices benefit from advancements in AI applications, opening new pathways for product development and innovation. This can lead to the creation of new markets and job opportunities in the high-tech and healthcare sectors.

Society at Large

The broader society benefits from the overall improvements in healthcare outcomes, efficiency, and accessibility driven by AI innovations. Additionally, this practice contributes to economic growth and the positioning of the region as a leader in healthcare innovation and technology.

Policy Makers and Healthcare Systems

Policymakers and healthcare systems can utilize AI-driven insights to optimize resource allocation, policy formulation, and the delivery of healthcare services, aiming for more sustainable and efficient healthcare systems.

This Good Practice of integrating AI in medicine not only answers the immediate needs of improving healthcare delivery and outcomes but also addresses broader societal goals of advancing technological innovation, economic development, and the preparation of a skilled workforce for future challenges.

Key outcomes

Algebra University has successfully launched a new research and technology transfer group on the topic of the use of artificial intelligence in medicine. This comes as a direct consequence of this project, in which we have dedicated one entire Work Package to the support and promotion of learning of deep technologies and their impact on society. The “Pursuing Excellence in AI for High-Impact Deep Tech Innovation” initiative represents a groundbreaking step in integrating advanced artificial intelligence (AI) into the field of medicine, fostered by our university’s commitment to pioneering deep tech research. This initiative led to the establishment of a new research and technology transfer group dedicated to exploring AI applications in medical science. Key outcomes of this practice include the development of innovative AI solutions aimed at enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalized treatment plans, and predictive health analytics, thereby significantly improving patient care and outcomes.

Key success factors / How to replicate / Sustainability mechanism

Potential Obstacles in Replicating the Practice

  • Resource Allocation: Securing adequate funding and resources can be challenging. The initial investment for AI research, including computing infrastructure and software, can be substantial.
  • Interdisciplinary Team Building: Finding and assembling a team with the right mix of expertise in AI, medicine, data science, and other relevant fields may be difficult, especially in regions with a limited talent pool.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensuring the privacy and security of medical data used in AI applications is paramount. Navigating the complex regulatory landscape and ethical considerations can be challenging.
  • Integration with Existing Healthcare Systems: Technical and administrative hurdles in integrating AI solutions with current medical practices and systems can impede adoption and scalability.
  • Keeping Pace with Rapid Technological Advances: The fast-paced evolution of AI technologies requires continuous learning and adaptation, which can be resource-intensive.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging stakeholders (patients, healthcare professionals, industry partners) effectively to ensure the solutions meet actual needs and are adopted in practice can be challenging.

Key Factors Ensuring Sustainability within the University

  • University Support and Commitment: Strong backing from the university, both in terms of funding and institutional support, has been crucial. The partial funding and the establishment of the research and tech transfer group signal a commitment to the project’s long-term success.
  • EU Grant Funding: The acquisition of a substantial EU grant of 1.5 million EUR underscores the project’s credibility and provides financial stability, ensuring the continuity of research activities and the development of AI applications in medicine.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Forming strategic alliances with hospitals, medical research institutions, and industry partners not only enhances the practical relevance of the research but also opens up additional funding and resource-sharing opportunities.
  • Focus on High-Impact Research: Concentrating on projects with the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes ensures that the research remains aligned with societal needs, increasing the likelihood of continued support and funding.
  • Knowledge Transfer and Commercialization: The emphasis on tech transfer and the creation of a pathway for commercializing successful innovations contribute to financial sustainability and incentivize ongoing investment in research.
  • Cultivating an Interdisciplinary Research Culture: Fostering an environment that encourages collaboration across disciplines ensures a continuous exchange of ideas and the development of innovative solutions, keeping the research group at the forefront of AI in medicine.
  • Continuous Learning and Capacity Building: Investing in the continuous professional development of team members ensures that the group remains adaptable and capable of leveraging the latest AI advancements.


Contact person

Aneta Gołębiowska