What we offer
Taking part in the EIT HEI Initiative allows you to:
- Improve your organisation’s entrepreneurial and innovation capacity
- Expand your network. Already 350+ Higher education institutions have joined the EIT HEI Initiative
- Get access to the knowledge and opportunities offered by the KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Communities, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technologies)
- Become better connected to your innovation ecosystem
Successful projects also get access to support to further develop and implement their project:
- The IVAP development workshop
- Masterclass on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- The co-creation workshops
- The KIC Discovery Day
- The sensemaking workshop
- Training course on system innovation
- Macro-Regional conference
- EIT HEI Initiative Alumni event
- EIT HEI Initiative Community of Practice
IVAP development workshop
This event kicks-off the recently selected projects. Testimonials, exchange of experience and networking opportunities are offered to support the building of a community among EIT HEI Initiative projects. Representatives from the KICs, EIT and the European Commission as well as from previously approved projects are invited. It is normally an in-person event, taking place annually. All approved projects are asked to participate.
Masterclass on Diversity, equity and inclusion
This is an online masterclass that is designed to help selected projects prioritise and facilitate diversity and inclusion at all levels of the project. The masterclass offers practical tips for ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion in both programme design and planning and in business creation activities such as start-up support and the establishment of innovation support structures.
Co-creation workshop
These events dive deep into the EIT HEI Initiative impact domains and associated funded actions, through roundtables with experts and contributions from successful EIT HEI Initiative projects. They also provide a space for discussion on project implementation and future follow-up opportunities. There are three workshops, all offered online, spread across the project implementation period.
KIC Discovery Day
This is a public event where the EIT KICs mobilise their network to showcase projects and programmes available to EIT HEI Initiative partners and beyond, all in place to support innovation and entrepreneurship. Focus is on best practices and how they can be scaled and replicated. It is offered online and organised annually.
Sensemaking workshop
For projects in phase 2 of project implementation, the Sensemaking workshop aims to collect reflect and analyse initiative level evidence, it is a joint moment to come together, connect, share, learn from experience and integrate learnings towards future actions. It is an in-person event, involving both project representatives and the EIT HEI Initiative staff, including Project Officers. All selected projects are asked to participate.
Training course on system innovation
Projects are supported in the analysis of their innovation ecosystems and how to better connect with them. The training is offered online during phase 2 of project implementation.
Macro-Regional conference
These are in-person events held at regional hubs across Europe, bringing together EIT HEI Initiative partners based in that region and focusing on innovation capacity building for that specific regional context.
EIT HEI Initiative Alumni event
This online event brings together beneficiaries of EIT HEI Initiative project activities (our alumni), to strengthen the community. During this event, EIT HEI Initiative alumni will be able to learn from success stories from our funded projects and to interact with each other. Event highlights include a keynote address, insights from members of the EIT HEI Initiative Alumni community, and interactive breakout sessions where participants delve into topics like the entrepreneurial university and student-led start-ups.
EIT HEI Initiative Community of Practice
All organisations participating in a selected EIT HEI Initiative project automatically join our Community of Practice. Access to this community of innovation pioneers, as well as exclusive services, events, tools and more, are available to all members of the EIT HEI Initiative Community of Practice, both during project implementation and beyond the funding period.