INTREPID-HEI International Business Competition

INTREPID-HEI International Business Competition

In this event, students from the different countries of the consortium form teams to work together. These teams will then be given a small business task, the solution to which they will present to a panel of judges. In this way, the students will learn how to work together as part of an international group.


On the 7th of December, the students will be introduced to the use of business resources that are relevant to their assignment. They will also be assigned to teams and handed out tasks, which are due by the following day, the 8th of December.


On the 8th of December each group will have 10 minute presentations and 5 minute questions.


Everyone is welcome to attend and watch the presentations.


Organisation contacts:

Paul Schoplocher (OTH Regensburg),

Costin Sorici (Ovidius University),


Microsoft Teams Meeting


INTREPID-HEI International Business Competition - Demonstration Day on the 8.12.23 starting at 13:00 CET:

Click here to join the teams meeting