Full partners
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Lead partner)
Institute for Sustainable Transition and Development - Trakia University
Politecnic University of Turin
University of Udine
Politehnica University of Bucharest
Université catholique de Louvain
Bundesanstalt fĂĽr Materialforschung und -prĂĽfung
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Associated partners
Future.Solutions SĂ rl
University of Birmingham
United Kingdom
Max. funding Phase 1
Max. funding Phase 2
Supported by
Coordinated by
Project description
KICstartH2 aims to accelerate hydrogen uptake throughout Europe through education and innovation, targeting students and industry professionals. The project consortium will consist of nine higher education institutions (HEIs), two research institutes, and one small and medium-sized enterprise consulting firm. They will bring forward niche educational methodologies that not only tackle content on hydrogen technologies, but also innovation methods in business and management.
By combining these aspects of education, research and business, the project will:
- cater to the needs of academics and industry groups;
- support the creation of key knowledge;
- foster business developments that will build on these new ideas;
- bring together the spheres of learning and commerce to activate new insights and future societal growth towards a sustainable energy future.
Through a set of six actions, KICstartH2 will build on institutional capacities of digitisation, internationalisation and collaboration to provide online modules of hydrogen education and business innovation through flipped learning methodologies. KICstartH2 seeks to further expand on these capabilities to attract more talent to HEI programmes and place them as leading experts in hydrogen within their respective regions. This will allow for a diversification and development of their innovation ecosystems through collaborations with associations, industrial players and policymakers.