Full partners

Algebra University College (Lead partner)


Griffith College (trading as Bellerophon Ltd)


University of Naples “Federico II”


Sabancı University


Infobip d.o.o.






National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Center for Analytics and Business Modelling of Sustainable Development & Marketing and Business Management Department)


Associated partners

Politecnico di Torino


Max. funding Phase 1
€ 300,000
Max. funding Phase 2
€ 900,000
Supported by
EIT Climate-KIC
Coordinated by
EIT RawMaterials

Project description

SMART4FUTURE helps to solve the challenge posed to higher education institutions (HEIs) by the unprecedented technological advancements of today. Digital technologies are becoming increasingly complex, more embedded, more miniaturised and more autonomous. They have become invisible and yet they have an enormous impact on people’s lives. Fuelled by this rapid change, the job market has, in the short run, become volatile and unpredictable. This means that students are entering higher education learning paths while having little to no idea how the skills they are about to acquire will measure against the needs of the job market decades after they leave higher education. SMART4FUTURE believes that only smart innovation ecosystems, which will be able to leverage the power of high-tech with the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity to think with and beyond traditional domain knowledge, can successfully answer that challenge.

Five HEIs, one small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), one large company (HEI founder) and one international large company have partnered in this project to create all necessary preconditions for establishing HEIs as focal points of smart, local and regional innovation ecosystems in six countries: Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Serbia and Turkey.

The project consortium brings in the expertise that will enable SMART4FUTURE to acquire a profound understanding of the S3 innovation ecosystems’ strengths and weaknesses. This will make sure that innovation and entrepreneurial curricula answer the needs of local stakeholders.

The project-supported capacity building will make inroads into SMART4FUTURE HEI’s structures, by creating start-up support mechanisms, mentoring schemes, improving and creating technology transfer offices, and by establishing new types of collaborations with external partners.

During the project funding period, SMART4FUTURE will support more than 40 start-ups, train more than 400 and mentor over 150 students, train over 50 and mentor over 40 academic staff, create over 80 partnerships, improve more than 1 support structure per HEI and create 3 sets of highly transferable training materials.

Innovation and entrepreneurship are important to successfully cope with the uncertainty brought by the technological revolution of the 21st century. SMART4FUTURE envisions a future where students will no longer need to feel uncertain once they have been empowered to transform their expertise into tangible, societal value – irrespective of the pace of social or technological change they will face. Instead, together with teachers, students will become active participants of the powerful deep tech transformation.

Project coordinator

Maja Brkljacic Maja Brkljacic, PhD, Algebra University College (contact)

Project website


Project timeline

EIT HEI Timeline March 2022