Unlocking innovation: the strategic power of partnership-building for open innovation

On 23 February, the EIT HEI Initiative hosted a free webinar titled ‘Unlocking innovation: the strategic power of partnership-building for open innovation’.

During the webinar, participants discovered how building  strategic partnerships acts as a catalyst, fostering collaboration that goes beyond traditional boundaries. Participants learned how it optimises resource utilisation, aligning organisations with partners possessing complementary skills, knowledge and assets. This strategic approach not only accelerates innovation cycles but also ensures a more efficient and effective use of resources.

In this webinar, we explored the critical role of partnership building in enabling organisations to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of open innovation. Our speakers shared insights on how this approach enhances agility, responsiveness, and overall competitiveness in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. They also shared examples and  strategies for leveraging partnerships to drive open innovation success.


Jara Pascual
CEO Collabwith; Author of 'Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era'
Hannes Raffaseder
CEO/President St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences; President of the European University E³UDRES²; President of EURASHE

Watch the recordings

Strategic power of partnership building, Hannes Raffaseder, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (download presentation slides)
Strategic power of partnership building, Jara Pascual, Collabwith (download presentation slides)