Deep Tech Empowerment for Higher Education Institutes
Skills2Scale is a Project designed to empower HEIs to play a leading role in the development and implementation of Beyond 5G networks and applications.
Universities for deep tech and entrepreneurship
The project aims to empower consortium universities’ interdisciplinary approaches as one of their strategic domains, in order to flexibly reconfigure the universities’ entrepreneurial and innovation capacity to respond to the human resources and research and development (R&D)-based needs of deep tech industries operating within Nordic-Baltic innovation value chains.
Accelerating innovation across Regional Deep Tech Valleys in Europe
SFFACCEL is an initiative of 11 higher education institutions (HEIs), three R&I centres, one nationwide entrepreneurial association, and two European regional valleys which are all committed to developing a holistic, but inclusive, entrepreneurial transformation model.
DeepTech in Higher Education Institutions and Ecosystems through Entrepreneurial Education+
SFF.DeepT+ Project sets the pathway to the future, towards 2030 and beyond, with a new Systemic DeepTech Innovation framework that involves (as drivers and key-actors) the relevant stakeholders of an Open European Innovation Ecosystem.
REGional INNovAtive learning for society 4.0
The goal of the REGINNA 4.0 Project is to address the under-utilisation of existing expensive infrastructure outside of fundamental research and the limited awareness of potential improvements to entrepreneurial competitiveness and innovation capabilities.
Interdisciplinary Creative Education in Deep Tech
The project aims to increase the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity of the consortium through: interdisciplinary approach; practice-based collaboration; life-wide learning opportunities; and a well-networked and integrated ecosystem.
Unlocking High Tech Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competences for Deep Tech Talents
The Project partners aim to tailor innovative programmes for deep tech talents, focusing on the health and manufacturing fields that fit the consortium Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) base of all three regions.